Our Story

Watershed Science and Design was born from a desire to stay true to stream science and find creative solutions to river management.


In 2014, about a year after the Colorado floods, one woman was searching for a way to lead disaster recovery efforts in her local community without the barriers and conflicted interests that came with working for a large consulting firm.

Watershed Science and Design is a woman-owned consulting firm located in Boulder, CO, that was built with a focus on developing sophisticated, creative, and science-based solutions to river management problems. We bring a vast comprehension of river science, geomorphology, engineering, and hydrology and stay current with the latest research and practices in the field of stream management.  We understand how human actions and interventions can influence a river system—and vice versa—and immerse ourselves in helping our clients navigate the interconnectedness and inter-dependencies of the physical and social landscape within watersheds and river corridors.


Our Character



We are unbiased and honest. Every day we put our client’s goals first.


Collaborative + Flexible

We value working with diverse partners; we are flexible and we adapt quickly to changing rules and constraints.



We are professional, established industry experts.

Mission + Values

We are a firm that excels in the synthesis of information in order to provide guidance and support decisions. In doing so, we work to honestly represent facts and data, understand uncertainty, and communicate confidence. We seek diverse perspectives, welcome constructive feedback, and work to incorporate new knowledge and understanding. We prioritize the fulfillment our commitments to our clients, business partners, and stakeholders over profitability and work to provide solutions that reflect a deep understanding of the unique and complex relationships between humans, water, and the landscape. 


Our Staff

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Katie Jagt,  PE, CFM

Senior Engineer + Fluvial Geomorphologist

Katie is the founder of Watershed Science and Design and a senior engineer and fluvial geomorphologist with 16 years of experience working in the river restoration and flood management industries.  She holds a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to do post-graduate research at TU Delft in The Netherlands on the intersection of flood management and river restoration.  

Katie’s specialties include risk-based flood planning and river restoration projects, fluvial hazard zone mapping and mitigation, hydraulics and hydrology, sediment transport, floodplain reconnections and riparian function studies. She’s spent years in the design, analysis, and implementation of “multi-benefit” projects that provide water quality, safety, and environmental value to river systems and their communities. Katie also developed and published risk-based analysis methods for quantifying the ecologic or agricultural benefits/impacts of large-scale river and reservoir re-operations projects.  She was the deputy program manager for the State of Colorado’s 2013 Emergency Watershed Protection flood recovery efforts and is a lead author of the State of Colorado’s Fluvial Hazard Zone Delineation Protocol. She is also a board member of River Restoration Northwest.

Licenses + Certifications

  • Professional Engineer: Colorado and California

  • Certified Floodplain Manager

  • FAA Commercial Drone Pilot


  • Outstanding Project American Public Works Association (APWA) CO Chapter (2019): Colorado Emergency Watershed Protection Program

  • Engineering Excellence Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers (2018) : Colorado Emergency Watershed Protection Program

  • National Presidential Award for Innovation Council of State Community Development Agencies (2017): State of Colorado: Watershed Resilience Pilot Program

  • Climb to Safety award for excellence in flood recovery Colorado FRRC (2016): 2013 Colorado Flood Recovery

  • Best Infrastructure Investments with Co-Benefits NY Rising Governor’s Award (2014): Tropical Storm Irene Flood Recovery in Jay and Keene, NY